Wednesday 13 September 2017


The Obama Foundation Fellows will be a diverse set of community-minded rising stars – organizers, inventors, artists, entrepreneurs, journalists, and more – who are altering the civic engagement landscape. By engaging their fellow citizens to work together in new and meaningful ways, Obama Foundation Fellows will model how any individual can become an active citizen in their community.

The inaugural class of 20 Fellows will be integral to shaping the program and the community of Fellows for future years. For this first class, we’re seeking participants who are especially excited about helping us design, test, and refine the Fellowship.

Our two-year, non-residential Fellowship will offer hands-on training, resources, and leadership development. Fellows will also participate in four multi-day gatherings where they will collaborate with each other, connect with potential partners, and collectively push their work forward. Throughout the program, each Fellow will pursue a personalized plan to leverage Fellowship resources to take their work to the next level.


Civic innovators

We’re looking for individuals who are working to solve important public problems in creative and powerful ways. We are inspired by a broad vision of what it means to be “civic,” one that includes leaders tackling a range of issues, in both traditional and unconventional ways.

Discipline diverse

We need people working from all angles and with different perspectives to strengthen our communities and civic life. This fellowship is for organizers, inventors, artists, entrepreneurs, journalists, and more. It is for those working within systems like governments or businesses, as well as those working outside of formal institutions.

At a tipping point in their work

Successful applicants have already demonstrated meaningful impact in their communities, gaining recognition among their peers for their contributions. Now, they stand at a breakthrough moment in their careers. They’re poised to use the Fellowship to significantly advance their work, perhaps by launching new platforms, expanding to broader audiences, or taking their work to a national or global stage. If you’ve already gained global recognition for your work or if your civic innovation work has just begun, you may not be the ideal candidate for this program.

Talented, but not connected

We are committed to expanding the circle of opportunity to include new and varied voices. Thus we have a strong preference for civic innovators who are not currently connected to the networks and resources they need to advance their work. If you’re not sure whether you fit this description, feel free to apply — and make sure to articulate how the resources of the Fellowship would uniquely impact your work.

Good humans

We are building an authentic community. A strong moral character is essential for the strength of this community, the integrity of the program, and the longevity of its value. We’re seeking inspirational individuals who demonstrate humility and work collaboratively with others towards shared goals.

Does that sound like you?


Do I need to be a US citizen?

No. We’re looking for a diverse group of Fellows from all over the world.
Application closes: Friday, October 6th @ 6:00pm CT

Start the applica


Application opens: Wednesday, September 6th @ 11:00am CT
Application closes: Friday, October 6th @ 6:00pm CT
Applicants notified: February 2018
First Fellowship Gathering: April 2018

Application Tips

Keep it brief and real: We’ve kept application fields short in order to encourage answers that are straightforward and authentic. We’re looking for writing that distills what’s important to you.
Don’t be afraid to brag: While it can feel uncomfortable to put yourself in the spotlight, we need to know why you are the right candidate for the Fellowship. We want to hear about your work, your impact, and your personal connection to your community.
Save your work: Please note that you cannot save your application. We strongly recommend you draft your application responses offline. Once your application answers and video are ready for submission, you can revisit the site and submit your application in one sitting.

Terms and Conditions

When you submit your application materials, you affirm that the information presented is accurate to the best of your knowledge. Applications are subject to additional research, reference checks, and vetting.
Selection at the Discretion of the Foundation
The Foundation shall select, at its sole discretion, those applicants selected to advance in the Fellowship selection process.
By the submission of a Fellowship application, applicant grants to the Foundation an unrestricted right to use all or portions of the response, including all materials and/or accompanying information submitted, as it considers necessary or desirable in connection with the selection process. The Foundation makes no representations regarding confidentiality of information submitted in or in connection with the Fellowship application.
The Foundation does not discriminate based on race, color, religion, sex, age, disability, national origin, ancestry, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, parental status, veteran status, military discharge status, citizenship status or source of income or any other protected status. We encourage individuals from all backgrounds to apply for this opportunity.
Attendance for the full duration of the four Fellows gatherings* is mandatory. Fellows must also be able to meet the ongoing time commitments of the Fellowship. For more information on the time commitment involved, see our FAQs.
*For the inaugural class, the first Fellowship gathering will take place in April 2018 in the Chicago area. For the remaining gatherings, the Foundation will communicate dates well in advance.

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