Tuesday 17 October 2017

Dispelling Public Misconceptions about Community Development as a Discipline and Profession.

Dispelling Public Misconceptions about Community Development as a Discipline and Profession.

Community development means different things to different people. There are people out there who see themselves as being in the business of community development but have little knowledge about the discipline or profession.  Over the past decades, the field of community development has evolved and grown substantially as a profession and as a discipline with many degree and certificate programmes offered by many institutions locally and internationally. Many organizations also provide continuous professional training and education to strengthen the skills and technical competences of practitioners.

In the next couple of months, this blog will focus on providing relevant information that will clearly educate individuals and the general public about the field of community development in particular and the field of development in general while exploring the linkages between local and international development. Doing this will not only help to chart a road map for individuals with interest in community development, but will benefit and guide recent graduates, members of National Youth Service Corps (NYSC), students, and other interested individuals who desire to take up career in community and international development.

We will equally be exploring the boundless career/occupation/ job opportunities available in the field that has largely remained untapped by youths. While you are still reading this material, new programmes/projects are constantly being established to address both the existing and fresh challenges facing many communities locally and globally, and with such rapid expansion, there is always a corresponding increase in the demand for professionals in the field. The world is actually looking up to development specialists for solutions to various complex problems and challenges facing communities around the world. Currently, global development finance and philanthropic resources are being channeled to development organizations to support young men and women with innovative ideas and insights on how to address numerous social and environmental problems. The demand for community development practitioners are therefore steadily increasing even as recognition of social issues affecting global communities grows.

Through this blog, we also hope to bridge the workforce knowledge gap for individuals interested in pursuing a career in the development field by empowering them with the technical knowledge and valuable career skills. This platform will serve that purpose by preparing and providing practitioners and other stakeholders with the knowledge to conceptualise and manage sound programmes and the skills to effectively build and run successful development organizations.

Emerging development leaders and volunteers will gain the knowledge they need to be successful in the field, while experienced practitioners will get fresh perspectives that will enable them to perform better on their jobs.

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