Monday 28 August 2017

Introducing CDI Nigeia's blog - Community Development Today

           Welcome to Community Development Today

I am delighted to welcome everyone to CDI Nigeria's blog- Community Development Today. This site is part of a renewed effort by our organization, Community Development Institute   CDI Nigeria to reach out to wide and varied audiences and to possibly engage everyone in a productive exchange of information and knowledge.

I am particularly pleased to be introducing this blog  because it will be dealing with issues that are critical to the institute’s goals, which is to promote a holistic, participatory and inclusive approach to development.

I hope that Community Development Today will serve as another vehicle that will stimulate public discussion on a wide range of topics and issues related to poverty reduction, improved quality of life and sustainable social and community development.

Globally, educators, civic leaders and policy makers are seeking for new ways of harnessing information into practical knowledge to advance human/societal development. People everywhere are becoming more amenable and receptive than any time in human history to acquiring renewed capacity to learning from each other and through other sources.

Community Development Today is designed to reflect that growing importance of knowledge that can more easily be accessed by everyone through the modern communication technology to ensure the achievement of sustainable social and community development.

In specific terms, the purpose of the blog is to expand the reach of development knowledge generated from the Institute’s numerous learning programmes and activities as well as the development community in general, to an audience that may not be able to physically attend training courses or other learning programmes for certain obvious reasons.

It is our belief that making development information easily available has the potential of bringing new actors, especially individuals, associations, networks, communities and other stakeholders who have traditionally been excluded from the development process. It will also make it possible for emerging development leaders (students and fresh graduates), professionals and the general development communities to network, share experiences and learn best practices in making development decisions, thus encouraging comprehensive and participatory development.

We therefore, enjoin everyone to participate in the discussions in addition to providing the necessary feedback that will lead to a productive interaction with our readers and ultimately ensure the blog long – term objectives.

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