Monday 10 September 2018

Five ways Nigeria can realize mobile technology's potential for the unbanked

co-authors: Andrej Popovic
Fri, 06/29/2018

Although it’s Africa's largest economy, Nigeria is missing out on the region’s most exciting financial innovation: mobile money.

Twenty-one percent of adults in Sub-Saharan Africa have a mobile money account, nearly double the share from 2014, according to the latest Global Findex report.

Breastfeeding: A Foundational Investment in Human Capital

Wed, 08/01/2018

Photo: Dominic Chavez/Global Financing Facility

The best first food for a baby, providing essential nutrition in the critical early years of life. A child’s first immunization and her best opportunity for bonding, early stimulation and healthy brain development. Breastfeeding is all these things, but it also more than that -- it is a country’s first step towards building the human capital that will drive their economies in the future.